Irudi galeria
Fitxa osoa
- Bilduma mota:
- Biblioteka
- Bilduma:
- Chanter. Vol 35; No 3
- Zenbakia:
- 3476
- Jatorria:
- Egilea / emailea
- JANE MOULDER. Grace Notes;News from Belarus;KATE BILLMORE. Burghley House Piper;AISLING HOMES. Aisling's Bagpipe Tunes;FRANK VICKERS. Paddy Shaw Remembered;IAN CLABBURN. Paddy and the MVO - A Retrospective;YANNIS PANTAZIS. Dimitrios Koukas "Stravalogas" (The Definition of Ecstatic Methexis);CHRISTOPH HEYL. The Pastoral Pipes (A New Musical Instrument and the Aesthetics of Neo-Classicism);MARIEKE VAN RANSBEECK. Expedition in the North (Logbook from a Belgian Bagpiper, part II);DAVE ROWLANDS. A thought on the enigma of the translation from Pastoral to Union;PAUL JAMES. Stéphane Mauchand - Oxymel;KIRSTEN BARON. BmB - Ge vindt wel een taal Wouter en da Draak - Zonnevachter;CARLO MASSARELLI. In the Bag;
- Soinu-tresna mota:
- Aerofonoak -> Mihiak -> Xirolarruak
- Edizio datuak:
- The Bigpipe Society. Staffordshire; 2021
- Kokapena:
- XVII / 5
- Edukia:
Grace Notes;
News from Belarus;
Burghley House Piper;
Aisling's Bagpipe Tunes;
Paddy Shaw Remembered;
Paddy and the MVO - A Retrospective;
Dimitrios Koukas "Stravalogas" (The Definition of Ecstatic Methexis);
The Pastoral Pipes (A New Musical Instrument and the Aesthetics of Neo-Classicism);
Expedition in the North (Logbook from a Belgian Bagpiper, part II);
A thought on the enigma of the translation from Pastoral to Union;
Stéphane Mauchand - Oxymel;
BmB - Ge vindt wel een taal Wouter en da Draak - Zonnevachter;
In the Bag;
- ISNN 0269-7939
- Neurriak:
- 50; 21;