Irudi galeria
Fitxa osoa
- Bilduma mota:
- Fonoteka
- Zenbakia:
- 26
- Jatorria:
- Egilea / emailea
- Soinu-tresna mota:
- Musika taldea
- Edizio datuak:
- C162-006560/1; EMI; ODEON; 1977
- Kokapena:
- IV / 8
- Edukia:
A SIDE ONE Yesterday I'll follow the sun I need you Girl In my life Words of love Here, there and everywhere SIDE TWO Something And I love her If I fell Ill be back Tell me what you see Yes it is B SIDE THREE Michelle It's only love You're going to lose that girl Every little thing For no one She's leaving home SIDE FOUR The long and winding road This boy Norwegian wood (this bird has flown) You've got hto hide your love away I will P.S. I love you
- Formatua:
- LP
- Musika mota:
- Jazz; Rock; Pop